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Awards will be given for the best student oral and poster presentations during the conference. Please indicate student status on the abstract form. To qualify for a student award, you must have carried out the presented work while you were a registered student, and you must make the presentation yourself.


2021 Student Competition Winners

Best Oral Presentations:

  • 1st Place: Dylan K. Stompe. A Spatially Explicit History of Estuary Fish Species.

  • 2nd Place: Kenneth W. Zillig. Physiological Variation in Thermal Traits Among Eight

Populations of Chinook Salmon from the West Coast.  

  • 3rd Place: Yuzo Yanagitsuru. Improving the Longfin Smelt Larviculture Protocol: Responses

of the Early Life Stages of Longfin Smelt to Temperature, Salinity, and Turbidity.

Best Poster Presentations:

  • 1st Place: Alexandra McInturf. The effect of temperature on trophic interactions between

largemouth bass and juvenile Chinook salmon in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta


  • 2nd Place: Samah Abdelrazek. Effect of temperature and Flavobacterium columnare on

juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) exploratory and locomotor


  • 3rd Place: Stefanie Helmrich. Improvement of WARMF model to simulate wetland processes leading to increased salinity.


2018 Student Competition Winners

Best Oral Presentation:

  • 1st Place: Ann Holmes. Experimental Work Informs Delta Smelt Environmental DNA (eDNA)

Protocol Development.​

Best Poster Presentation:

  • 1st Place: Alison Whipple. Hydrospatial Analysis of Floodplain Restoration and Hydroclimate



2016 Student Competition Winners

Best Oral Presentation:

  • 1st Place: Rachel Wigginton. Understanding a Drought-Induced Die-back of Lepidium latifolium in Invaded Tidal Marshes

Best Poster Presentation:

  • 1st Place: Alison Whipple. Quantifying Spatio-temporal Inundation Patterns for Floodplain Restoration on the Lower Cosumnes River, California


2014 Student Competition Winners

Best Oral Presentation:

  • 1st Place: Allison Johnson, Romberg Tiburon Center, SFSU
    “The future of Microcystis spp. in the San Francisco Estuary delta:  Investigations into the role of temperature and salinity tolerance on growth”

Best Poster Presentation:​

  • 1st Place: Anastasia G. Ennis, Romberg Tiburon Center, SFSU
    “Developing tools for endangered salt marsh harvest mouse conservation: Genetic identification of species and population variation using functional loci”


2012 Student Competition Winners

  • 1st place oral presentation: Anna Steel, University of California, Davis
    "Environment and Movement Patterns of Largemouth Bass in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta"
    Anna Steel and A. Peter Klimely
    University of California, Davis

  • 1st place poster presentation: Rosa Schneider of Romberg Tiburon Center for Environment Studies, San Francisco State University
    “Causes of Rarity in the Endemic Suisun Thistle"
    Rosa Schneider and Katharyn Boyer
    Romberg Tiburon Center for Environment Studies, San Francisco State University


2010 Student Competition Winners

  • 1st place oral presentation: Russell Perry, University of Washington
    “Effects of Tides, River Flow, and Gate Operations on Entrainment of Juvenile Chinook Salmon into the Interior Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta”
    Russell Perry1, John Skalski1, Patricia Brandes2, and Jon Burau3

1 University of Washington
2 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
3 U.S. Geological Survey

  • 1st placeposter presentation: Jang-Won Lee, UC Davis
    “Effects of Dietary Methylmercury Chloride on the Growth Performances and Tissue Burdens in Juvenile green (Acipenser medirostris) and White Sturgeon (A. transmontanus).”
    Jang-Won Lee, Nicola De Riu, Lee Seung-Hyung, Sungchul Bai, and Silas Hung
    UC Davis


2008 Student Competition Winners

  • 1st place oral presentation: Walter Heady, UC Santa Cruz
    “Fine Scale Habitat Associations, Movement and Survival of Steelhead Trout of the Mokelumne River, CA, using Acoustic Telemetry in Standardized Transects”
    Heady*1, W.N., M.L. Workman2, J.E. Merz3

1 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Dept., UC Santa Cruz, Long Marine Laboratory, Santa Cruz, CA, 95060
2 East Bay Municipal Utility District, 1 Winemasters Way Suite K2, Lodi, CA 95240
3 Cramer Fish Sciences, 636 Hedburg Way # 22, Oakdale, CA 95361

  • 1st place poster presentation: Lindsey K. Alberston, UC Santa Barbara
    “Geomorphic Constraints on the Restoration of Macroinvertebrate Assemblages in the Merced River, CA”
    Albertson*, L.K., S.C. Zeug, B.J. Cardinale, H.S. Lenihan, A.M. Wydzga, L. Harrison, T. Dunne
    University of California-Santa Barbara, Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology, Santa Barbara, CA, 93106


2006 Student Competition Winners

  • 1st place oral presentation: Karin Tuxin, UC Berkeley 
    “Change in Tidal Marsh Vegetation Measured by Spatial Landscape Metrics”
    Tuxen*1, K.A., L. Shile2, M. Kelly1, S. Siegal3

1 UC Berkeley - Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy & Management, 137 Mulford Hall #3114, Berkeley, CA, 94720-3114
2 San Francisco State University, 1600 Holloway Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132
3 Wetland and Water Resources, 1010 B Street, Suite 425, San Rafael, CA 94901

  • 1st place poster presentation: Glen Leverich, San Francisco State University 
    “Quantifying Channel Response to Variable Flow in a Meandering River Model”
    Leverich*1, G., C. Braudrick2, L. Sklar1, W. Dietrich2

1 Department of Geosciences, San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA, 94132
2 Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California, Berkeley

past student award winner
past student award winner

Dylan K. Stompe

Alexandra McInturf

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