Art-Science Collaborations
As in previous years, the Bay-Delta Science conference will feature
artwork relating to the estuary and/or the conference theme.
Artists of all forms and media, including but not limited to
painting, photography, sculpture, digital, music, and performance
are encouraged to apply.
In addition to our general call for artist submissions, we are
particularly interested in featuring original works created through
collaborations between artists and scientists. Art-science
collaborations deepen and enrich artistic work while
communicating scientific research to broader audiences. For
artists interested in collaborating with a scientist, you don’t need any scientific expertise, just curiosity and willingness to learn! After all, your graphs and data visualizations are really just art in disguise.
Abstracts should contain a 300-word or less description of the project, or proposed project, the name(s) of the project contributor(s), the project’s connection to the San Francisco Bay-Delta Estuary, and (preferred but not required) its connection to the conference theme. Submissions should be made through the abstract submission website. Priority will be given to projects showcasing diverse viewpoints, unique art-science collaborations, and underrepresented groups. Deadline is September 1, 2024.